Our Commitment
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A Healthy
North Carolina

A healthy North Carolina is a place where everyone has a fair opportunity for good health. This belief guides our work each day and is the cornerstone of our commitment to the people and communities of our home state, whom we proudly invest in, partner with, and stand alongside.

Food is Medicine

North Carolina is fertile ground for an approach that bolsters health care’s role in addressing food security and opens doors to healthy food.

Home-Based Child Care

Investing in opportunities to grow and strengthen home-based child care has become an emerging focus of our organization.

North Carolina’s Food Hubs

Food hubs are an important and unique component of our state’s local food system helping to provide healthy fresh food, while supporting local farmers and communities.

School-Based Oral Health

The expansion of school-based programs is helping more children across the state access preventive oral health care in a setting where they spend the majority of their time.

Food is Medicine

North Carolina is fertile ground for an approach that bolsters health care’s role in addressing food security and opens doors to healthy food.


Home-Based Child Care

Investing in opportunities to grow and strengthen home-based child care has become an emerging focus of our organization.


North Carolina’s Food Hubs

Food hubs are an important and unique component of our state’s local food system helping to provide healthy fresh food, while supporting local farmers and communities.


School-Based Oral Health

The expansion of school-based programs is helping more children across the state access preventive oral health care in a setting where they spend the majority of their time.

North Carolina State
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