
Chelsey Hurt

Learning and Evaluation Officer


As Learning and Evaluation Officer, Chelsey leads and supports strategic learning, monitoring, and evaluation across the Foundation’s programmatic and organizational priorities.

Chelsey has a diverse background within the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors, from strategic communications to internal learning to community lending. Most recently, she worked for a national community development organization supporting K-12 leaders in promoting quality educational opportunities and equitable outcomes for students across the country.

Chelsey holds a Master of Science in Management from Wake Forest University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from George Mason University.

What I love about my work:
I’m passionate about creating equitable communities where everyone thrives. I love that learning and evaluation provides a wide range of tools to support and advance the work of those creating that reality in their communities.

When I’m not at my desk:
I’m spending time with my family, hosting game nights, exploring new places, or creating art.

Favorite thing about North Carolina:
The people and their hospitality – you’ll quickly feel at home!